Aug 15, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Peter: Thanks and well done to you plus those WHOm you worked - and continue to work - with.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Bravo Peter, and congratulations on your splendid and impactful career. You have both learned and given back so much to so many. I wish you all the best in this next phase and evolution of your career. Keep up the blog, it is terrific!

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Hi Peter:

Thank you for your unique, comprehensive and informative announcement about August 15th being your last day at the WHO Secretariat after six very impressive and productive years. The SDGs that you were so instrumental in crafting are admirable and an essential element to address the health inequities and shortcomings that are so evident today. Of course, these became strikingly clear during the Covid pandemic. But, the important and significant role of the WHO in our world became clearer as well.

When I reviewed the SDGs, I must admit I was rather overwhelmed by the magnitude of the challenges they represent. They are truly laudable and an essential initiative but their implementation seems absolutely daunting. The magnitude and complexity of the issues they reference needs someone of your ability and passion to address. Thank goodness you will continue to work with the WHO, along with Tedros and so many other accomplished and remarkable colleagues, to move closer, step-by-step to achieve them.

I am also very pleased to see what you outlined as your next-step, strategic themes over the years to come. For so many others, these impressive and worthwhile intentions would be unimaginable and overly ambitious, but to me, they seem very fitting for you . I look forward to seeing how you progress along this exciting “road less travelled” as more of a solo, free-agent, removed from huge, gnarly and convoluted bureaucracies.

As always, it has been a treat for me to watch the evolution of your career since we first became friends 46 years ago. It’s a pleasure and an honour to have you as a friend. Congratulations Peter and all the best for your next adventures.


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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

How exciting Peter! As the entre- and intrapreneur you are , you are a true pathfinder, and I look forward to seeing where your path will now lead you and your continued great influence on Global Health.

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Peter who was my mentor in my early days of ethics study has always been a beacon for me. Keep up your wonderful work. I look forward to following your career. You have help mentor and propel many to think about the world as our personal project.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Thank you Peter. Your legacy is indeed bringing "laser focus on measurable impact in countries". The work is not done, so I am glad that you said you will stay in WHO, because all of us are WHO, as you said. That's true! WHO needs everyone, especially people like you who bring innovative solutions.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Thank you for exemplary service to global health equity during a critical time Peter. And looking forward to the next chapter in your remarkable career.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Dear Peter, Makes me a bit sad to see you navigate this transition, but my goodness what a stellar contribution so far! Tedros has moved mountains very much propped by rocks like yourself -plz somehow continue to walk by him, our world is a healthier, safer place because of voices like yours

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Thanks you Peter!!

Keep having fun and impact.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Thank you for the gift your time and experience, bringing your Canadian sensibility to WHO along the way. It’s been inspiring to follow all that you have achieved with Dr Tedros in recent years. I’m devoting this side of my career to lifting and supporting the next generation of leaders and LOVING IT! Consider the wonderful Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy as one of your 20. I have relished the opportunity to work with these graduate students! Evelyne (eguindon@oxfordhr.com)

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

My dear Peter I had the honor to be one of your mentee and I can tell you that I have learned a lot both professionally and personally. You were so generous of your time, of giving and pushing to the maximum. Because of your leadership I have learned that nothing is impossible and when we believe on something we can make it . Thousand thanks dear Peter ! What a great man! What a great leader !! Kenza.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

You are an inspirational individual, wishing you the very best in your next phase, I'm certain it will better the world.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Peter my dear friend, I just want to say thank you for your continued service to humanity. I know it won't stop. Jeff

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Thank you for your exceptional service. I agree with the plan to take some time to reflect, before jumping into something else.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Peter Singer

Head up a special enquiry into Canada's handling of the pandemic?

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